sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2021
POST 7: Changes to my Study Program
martes, 9 de noviembre de 2021
POST 6: Time Travel to the Future
Althought what I just said, im a huge fan of Sci-Fi fiction, speccialy if this stories are about human expansion and progress. You know, Blade Runner and that backstory about human collonies in other sistems, Dune, Hyperion, Halo, Star Strek. Traveling the stars with some system of time-distamce perception like wormholes, lightspeed or others great and facinating ideas. Discovering other species and planets, maybe intelligent life. But, you know what could happend... Like in Halo, when the Covenant discovers humanity, they declare war on us because we are like "demons" for his religion and they have to kill us to be in the "great yourney". Amazing.
Of course I dont want to stay there, but traveling to that years and later backing to my life and year is hard science fiction too. I mean... How. But ok, I dont really want to stay in that world. I think in war and bigger problems. You know that fisic phenomenon of gravity, time depends on gravity. The perception of time depens on the gravity of a certain planet. Like in Interstellar, one hour in that water planet equals seven years on earth. So freaking scary.
L4P: Bitácora 8
La siguiente bitácora corresponde al final del rodaje y a la etapa de post producción para la muestra del 13 de diciembre. Las últimas ...