You know how this works. Ideas or/and writh a script, planning with a team and other creative departments, storyboards, casting, shooting, editing, cool. What is cool of shooting? Its outdoor and indoor, in cool creative and relevant places, somethimes even travels. You know, shooting a film, FUN. A lot of table work with the team, then shooting and finally again to table work.
miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2021
POST 5: My Future Job
Again, my one dimentional beaing. Maybe I'm getting too repetitive, but I don gonna lie! I only think in film making, and my dream is beaing a movie director and wrighter. And obviously I think I'm gonna be a movie director and wrighter, I'm working hard for that. Why I want that two jobs in making movies? Because im an autor, i like that lidership creative stuff.
Currently I'm an editor, maybe I can edit too? I dont know, I have a lot of time to think. But I'm sure to be in film making, wrighting and directing. Im learning so much, really so much. Im so happy for that.
martes, 12 de octubre de 2021
POST 4: My Favorite TV show
As you (probably) know, TV Shows or TV Series are currently not only in TV, because the new streaming service like Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+, HBO MAX, etc. Why is this relevant? Because the indutry or the distribution of TV Shows are no longer like before. Old series are now completed in streaming service or now exist other sub generes, like Mini Series or Limited Series. Im gonna take all of these formats in one bag for this homework and I can't pick only one, you are reminded.
Favorite Sitcom: Friends.
So no one told you life was gonna be this way? I watched Friends because the new of a reunion of the original cast, and I watched this in the quarentine of the last 2020 year. And what i can say, quoting Chandler Bing, could this BE more iconic? You know, its a sitcom. There is not archs of characters or storyline, only a scenario to laugh in the situations of the caharacters, a young and good looking white people in the 90´s New York. The series are not only funny, but also rich in characters and his caracterization and development. The series have 10 seasons, in the middle of the series the friends, Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Phoeby and Joey was MY FRIENDS. I knew him, his personality and quotes. Friends stays with you forever. Its a series to watch again every so often, with a smile in yout face.
Favorite Drama: Breaking Bad.
SAY MY NAME. I have not seen Sopranos, first point. What can I say about Breaking Bad. Amazing interpretations, adictive storyline, great and succesful drama, a hit in the story of television series. Its a Mob story, about a geniuous chemical teacher who decides to be a meth cooker with and ex student before he dies for cancer and have an opportunity to let money for his family. The whole world get mad about this series. Awards, spin offs, still have the best rating in IMDB, superior than Game of Thrones. Its an scencial pick to every person who likes fictional cinema. I mean it.Favorite Anime: Monster.
Curious, i dont really watch Anime. I dont really didn´t like it. The over reactions and cringe, screaming and yelling and stories about boring super powers and over the top direction and cinematography. But I reallice But I realized a couple of years ago that this was just one genere of all anime, the "Shonen" (for children). Then I discovered the "Seinen" genere (more adult content) and I discovered Monster. The story about an Japanese surgeon who lives in the post "Berlin Wall Fall" Germany, who have to pursuit a serial killer what he saved his life when the killer was a child. A cold and slow thriller, who talks you about the repentance and life mistakes. So adult, so serious. I really love this series, and I considere if you like anime and you havent watch Monster and you only watch Shonen, oh boy... You are wasting your life.
martes, 5 de octubre de 2021
POST 3: A person I would like to meet
I really admire a lot of people who i would love to meet. Daniel Craig, John Williams, Ricardo Darín. But thinking this, I start to think in what would it be more valuable to me. Im an one-dimensional boy, I almost only think in movies and film making, but I think a have to feed more my film maker side than my film watcher side. Because in this point in my life, i have to learn how to make good movies, not only watch good movies. SO, i will prefere to meet people who have something to teach to me about film making, or giving me good advices about this art.
I'll start with Steven Spielberg. Yes, mainstream. But because that fame some people forgot he is the director of movies what are not only fun, but also brilliant in direction and in shooting setpieces, envolving the people in the movie and workin character depevolment. Jurassic Park, The War of the Worlds, Shindler's List, Catch Me if you Can are amazing, amazing films in every way. And i want to know the advices, secrets and facts to learn how to do something like that. I have heard (and watched in HOURS AND HOURS of interviewsa and Behind the Scenes footage) Steven is a quiet and soft guy, but determinated. I think he would accept to talk to me.
My second choise is Denis Villenueve. The director of Sicario, Blade Runner 2049 and Dune (2021) its my favourite director and I think its the director of the decade, period. Waching him in 2016 i learned how to direct showing, dont telling. His visual and pure cinematographic style its my high reference to my future films, and talking to him and asking for advices sound like pure gold. I dont really know so much about his personality, interviews only
show me a smiling guy, surprisly charming with fun commentaries or saying something cool. Now, i think talking with him could be something more tan useful, maybe like a friend talk.
I know this things probably never happend, but I thing im already talking to great people in film making right now, studing film making. My teachers are really wise and cool, and honestly im happy to have they.
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L4P: Bitácora 8
La siguiente bitácora corresponde al final del rodaje y a la etapa de post producción para la muestra del 13 de diciembre. Las últimas ...