Warning, now im gonna turn patriotic for a little bit. I will say a lunch and a dessert, both of national origin and of my childhood. Lets start with Pantrucas, do you know Pantrucas? Its an elemental and great national dish.
jueves, 20 de mayo de 2021
Food I Really Like
It consists of dough in the form of squares that does not become hard or damp like bread, and is prepared together with vegetables or whatever you want (potatoes, meat), and is impregnated with that flavor. The sauqres, thin sheets of dough, are soft of taste, with an very particular sensation in the mouth, like Ratatouile if you catch more than one with the fork. And if they prepare it like my aunts or my grandmother used to, for a moment they will believe that Chile is the best place on earth.
ANOTHER, Mote con Huesillo. Although I am not vegan, I am very happy with the national dessert, it is a vegan dessert. It mean everyone can drink (or eat?) this wonderful dessert. Its great in summer, its great without the dirty fruit if you want, the huesillo. Only the juice its so great. AND, my aunt prepare mote con huesillo but with strawberries! Its amazing, for some people even better.
Both are neutral healthy if you consume it with responsibility, but Mote con Huesillo have a lot of sugar, careful. My family knows my love of this two dish and always let me be happy and gif to me some 1L of Mote con Huesillo or suprising me with Pantrucas at the launch.
martes, 11 de mayo de 2021
My favorite piece of technology
I am a man of the present, technology its a very important thing in a lot of things of mine: My fun, my studies and my job. So, pick only one artefact of technology? Hard, to me. My camera, my smartphone, the internet himself. To this homework im gonna pick my PC, because its to some extent all of the things previusly mentioned. No, not Partido Comunista, i mean Personal Computer.
Its a link to the internet, its useful to serch, to wright, to play videogames and make videogames, to see movies and make movies. You know, editing, scripting. My stuff.
Dont know if this is good or bad, but whatever i wanto to do, i have or i can to do that on my PC. Im a gamer, i can play con my Xbox or on my Pc (or both). Im an editor, that software its on my pc. I have to wright, better on my pc. I have to serch info, download (steal) movies, on my PC. The smart tv and smartphones are, actualy, variations of pc, if you open one, in his soul its a pc. Its in my life forever, dont know how to feel about this.
I know all of you have computers, i dont have to recomend one. You know the amazing and revolutionary invention that is the personal computer. Thanks you, Alan Turing.
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